Wallace Hall pupils join the NHS Volunteering Scheme
As part of the NHS Volunteering scheme, four of our young people from Wallace Hall Academy have signed up to volunteer at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary (DGRI). Sarah Clark-Wyse, Zoe Kean, Aidan Kennedy and Milly Macklin have all been accepted to be part of the Covid-19 response volunteer team and have started, or are just about to start, as volunteers.
We spoke to the students and this was their response:
Sarah said: “I am now a volunteer at DGRI and I am called a Covid-19 response volunteer. I started a few weeks ago and I go along every Monday from 12-4pm. I carry out different jobs including collecting patient’s clothes and bags which their family have dropped off for them and delivering these to the appropriate ward, taking patients to X-ray or ultrasound, taking patients to the appropriate building like A+E or ACU, getting food for staff or patients from the kitchen, getting prescriptions from the pharmacy for the wards and putting masks on patients who are entering the women and children’s ward. It’s been really interesting and I have enjoyed helping.”
Aidan added: “This week was my first time back volunteering since the lockdown. I have been doing a range of things such as being based on the wards and keeping patients company as well as being a welcome guide and taking parcels from reception to the wards. Access to the hospital is reduced and no visitors are allowed into the wards. I am enjoying being able to do something to help at this really difficult time.”
Milly and Zoe have also applied to be COVID response volunteers, have completed the training required for this and have either just started or are about to start as volunteers at DGRI.
Barry Graham, Headteacher at Wallace Hall, said: “We are all very proud of our young people for volunteering to help the NHS, especially during these unprecedented times. I know that they are all keen to pursue careers in either medicine or nursing and I am sure this experience will be excellent preparation for their next steps. We applaud the NHS and the amazing work which is being carried out on the frontline of our hospitals.”