Parent Council Dux Award
Each year the Wallace Hall Parent Council present a gold medal and cash prize to the Dux of Wallace Hall Academy. This accolade is awarded to a senior pupil who has demonstrated academic excellence and can also consider wider achievement and participation. Darroch Wood has been chosen as this year’s recipient.
Throughout his six years at Wallace Hall Academy, Darroch has achieved excellent academic results, last year gaining 5 As in his Higher exams. Alongside his consistent academic achievements, Darroch is a talented musician who has had significant success in local and national music festivals, including this year being chosen as the overall instrumentalist at the Dumfries and Galloway Scottish Schools’ Burns Competition. Darroch has shared his musical talents widely, volunteering as a music tutor for younger pupils and, with his ceilidh band, performing in school, in local care and nursing homes and at numerous charity events in the wider community.
Darroch was presented his award this week by Barry Graham, Head Teacher at Wallace Hall and Louise Cochran, Chair of Wallace Hall Parent Council. Darroch commented: “I was really surprised to hear I had won the Dux Award at Wallace Hall Academy, but also really grateful as I feel like this reflects my hard work over the last few years.”
Mr Graham said: “Darroch is a first-class student across the board. He has excelled in both his exam results and through his musical talent, demonstrating commitment, reliability, resilience and motivation. Darroch is going on to study Engineering at Edinburgh University and I have no doubt that he will do well in the future. He has been an excellent role model for Wallace Hall Academy and a worthy recipient of the Wallace Hall Parent Council Dux Award."
Mrs Cochran added: “I was delighted on behalf of the Parent Council to present Darroch with the Wallace Hall Parent Council Dux Award. Darroch is a very deserving recipient of our award. Congratulations to him, it is a fantastic achievement and one to be extremely proud of. As a Parent Council we wish Darroch all the best and every success in the future.”
