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Wallace Hall 300-Year Anniversary Logo Competition

Plans are already underway to mark Wallace Hall Academy’s tercentenary in 2023. Members of the Wallace Hall Community Group have been working with staff and pupils at Wallace Hall on how best to celebrate this significant milestone.

Earlier this year, the Community Group organised a competition asking pupils to design a new logo/badge that could be used for marketing and advertising purposes for the tercentenary. Lots of great designs and ideas came forward from pupils of all ages and a finalist was chosen from each of the four schools involved: Wallace Hall Primary, Wallace Hall Academy, Closeburn Primary and Closeburn House. The choice of overall winner was put to the public vote through social media and via a survey sent out from the schools involved. Darach Smyth’s design was chosen as the clear winner with a decisive 62% of the votes. Darach’s logo offered a fresh and modern take on the Pegasus and Lion figures in the Wallace Hall Academy badge and takes into account the 300-years of history in a contemporary design.

With the support of the Expressive Arts Department at Wallace Hall Academy, Darach’s logo has now been refined and digitalised and the text ‘Wallace Hall Academy Tercentenary’ added round the edge to complete the process.

Darach said: “I wanted the wings of the Pegasus and the tail of the lion to wrap around each other to create a connection. The abstract shapes and the choice of colours which are Wallace Hall Academy school colours work well together. I am so pleased to have been chosen as the winner and the prize was an added bonus!”

Mr Graham said: “I am delighted with Darach’s winning logo. I appreciate the thought he has put into incorporating elements of our Wallace Hall badge and colours into his final design, ending up with a creative and aesthetically pleasing logo that is a fitting tribute to the 300-years of history at Wallace Hall Academy. Thank you to Mrs Simpson and Mrs Black from our Art Department for their part in the process and also to Sarah Currie for her support and enthusiasm as we move towards celebrating our tercentenary as a school and as a community. I look forward to seeing the logo on all our publicity and marketing materials and to welcoming former and current pupils, parents and staff to our 300-year celebrations.”

Mrs Simpson and Mrs Black added: “Our pupils gain a lot form these 'real life' projects and competitions. The opportunity to have your work used and shared within the community is an exciting incentive. The quality of the work was extremely high. The winning design is very considered in style and colour scheme and the addition of the font around the motif adds a very finished and professional quality to it. Well done Darach!”

Sarah Currie who is spearheading the 300-year Wallace Hall Academy Community Group organised for Darach’s winning design to be professionally printed and brought it up to Wallace Hall earlier this week along with Darach’s prize which was presented to him. Sarah commented: “All of the entrants in the competition were first class. The logo competition got everyone involved and highlighted just how important next year's celebrations will be. Darrach's design was outstanding and it illustrates how over the past 50 years the two schools have merged to become one, while keeping the history and importance of Wallace Hall Academy forefront even to this present day.”

Also at the presentation were Louise Cochran, Chair of Wallace Hall Academy Parent Council, Vickie Simpson, PT Expressive Arts at Wallace Hall Academy and Barry Graham, Head Teacher at Wallace Hall Academy.


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