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SQA Results at Wallace Hall Academy

Wallace Hall students excelled in this year’s SQA courses with eight pupils in total achieving five straight A grades at Higher level with one of those eight pupils going a step further and achieving a fantastic six straight As, all at Higher.

As a result of Covid-19, pupils across Scotland this year were not given the opportunity to sit their SQA examinations in the normal way. Teachers were asked to use their professional judgement to provide estimate grades which reflected the pupils’ performance throughout the year from evidence gathered in prelim examinations, class tests and during subject lessons.

When the results were announced, Sarah Jones, Zoe Kean, Mia Larisma, Milly Macklin, Morna McKie, John McKay and Luke McKay were all delighted to learn that they had excelled, achieving five Highers at grade A with Aidan Kennedy also delighted to find out that he too had achieved the magic straight As at Higher level in six subject areas.

In S6, Olivia Macklin, Oran Murray and Livia Nicholson all achieved three Advanced Highers at Grade A, with Oran being awarded the Wallace Hall Parent Council medal for Dux of Wallace Hall Academy. Oran was presented with his medal, certificate and prize last week by Louise Cochran, Chairperson of Wallace Hall Parent Council, and Barry Graham, Head Teacher at Wallace Hall.

A number of S4 pupils also had significant success at National 5 level with twelve pupils achieving straight A grades. Results across all levels of SQA examinations were very good for the school as a whole and the school is currently awaiting further information from the SQA which will help staff prepare our senior pupils for the 2021 examination diet.

Barry Graham, Head Teacher at Wallace Hall Academy said: “As a school we are keen to encourage academic excellence from all our pupils. Our staff and pupils all work extremely hard to support, challenge and produce work of the highest quality with parents also providing a high level of encouragement. I wish all of our pupils who left Wallace Hall Academy at the end of last year the very best for the future and I look forward to hearing all about their further achievements.


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