Moving on from Wallace Hall
To start the ‘moving on’ process for this year’s fantastic S6 pupils as they embark on the next stage in their lives, staff at Wallace Hall invited the entire year group to the Library at morning interval for coffee and home baking. This was an excellent chance for staff and pupils to spend some time sharing their memories and reflecting on the past six years at Wallace Hall Academy.
That afternoon, parents and carers joined them for a leavers’ ceremony which was held in the Bailey Hall. Mr Arrowsmith, Acting DHT with responsibility for S6, guided the assembled audience through the packed programme for the afternoon which included a speech by Mr Graham, the ever popular Powerpoint presentation showing the pupils’ proposed destinations alongside S1/S6 school photographs, musical performances from Ellie Arnold, Harry Grant, Annabelle Guthrie, Bethany Krease, Declan McGarva and Eve Watson, a look-back on their six years in school by Scott Clancy (Head Boy) and Jemma Gordon (Head Girl) and a humorous and affectionate presentation of the ‘most likely’ awards compiled by Mr Blair. Mrs Menzies, Library Assistant at Wallace Hall, was delighted to be invited on stage to present these rosettes and get the opportunity to wish every pupil well for the future. On behalf of the entire year group, Eleanor Burns, Depute Head Girl, accompanied by Hayley Clark and Emily McVicar, warmly thanked Mrs Menzies for supporting and encouraging everyone, particularly during their final year. The ceremony ended with Mr Blair thanking the year group for their fantastic contribution to Wallace Hall.
Early the next morning almost everyone in S6, accompanied by Mr Blair, Mr Dillon, Miss Barrick and Mrs Menzies, set off on a day trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. It was a great day out with the braver pupils and staff taking full advantage of all the exciting and exhilarating rides on offer, many queuing up for a shot on their favourite ride numerous times. Judging by all the broad smiles on everyone’s faces, a great time was had by all. Mr Blair said: “This was a brilliant way for S6 to culminate what has been a really enjoyable last few days at Wallace Hall Academy.”